Tripawd Troubles: Remaining Leg Not Holding Its Own

Well, Feta Fans, we have some frustrating news!

“Ack!!!! We do?!?”

We have been religiously working on our kitty physical therapy exercises, but we have seen almost no improvement in even her assisted “walking”:

So, as soon as I could after adopting her, I carted Feta and her dog-brother Rascal into Rascal’s vet, who specializes in orthopedic issues and rehabilitation, for a full evaluation.

Like brother, like sister.

I was hoping our vet would examine Feta, recommend some different exercises (swimming?) and we’d be on our way. But no such luck!

I of course began by telling them about the initial PT visit and the exercises we’ve been working on. I also sent them the videos we have of her movement and changes over the last several months.

Instead of advising continued PT, the vet(s, since two were consulted) strongly suspect that funky back leg is paralyzed, and they are not convinced she has “deep pain” sensation in the leg/foot. (This is a bad thing.) They said that continued physical therapy was unlikely to produce any results (as we suspected, since it’s been a month with almost no progress) because of underlying nerve problems. They recommended either just leaving her as is, since she seems happy enough, trying a wheelchair, and/or taking her to a veterinary neurologist.

Cat does not approve of this message.

Well, leaving her as-is is not an option, since if anything she seems to be growing increasingly uncomfortable, and I’d really, really, really rather keep her as a “tripawd” than turn her into a “bipawd”! Ack! So, even though it’s a bit of a moonshot, we’re going ahead and booking her a visit with a veterinary neurologist at a specialty clinic in NYC.

Further evidence that there’s no such thing as a “free pet”!

Veterinary bills: ELEVENTY BILLION DOLLARS Love from a good friend: Priceless


10 thoughts on “Tripawd Troubles: Remaining Leg Not Holding Its Own”

  1. It looks as if she can use it if she has to, but does the knee bend at all? To me that’s what looks like the problem area is.

    1. It’s very unclear whether she can voluntarily move the knee or not. We’ve been working a lot on our PROM stretches and gaining more flexibility there, but it’s unclear whether she simply doesn’t *want* to use it, or if perhaps due to nerve damage she simply can’t.

  2. We just started Adequan injections, rimadyl and duralactin chewables for Chuy. You can get the duralactin on for cats which may help, but it will take about a month to show any signs. I would also ask a vet about Adequan injections to see if they may help. If there is pain involved, this will ease it without the use of painkillers.

  3. No insight, just want to send love and support,and ro also acknowledge you for having such a great attitude! I know this has been “rough” to say the least, but when you can add a little wit into the mix, it helps keep things in perspective.

    We’ll be looking forward to update AND more pics!! ,Feta is sooooo lucky to be loved by you! She clearly has a lot of spunk and determination and needed someone like you to help her ve the best she can be 🙂

    Lots of hugs

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    1. Thank you! Feta is such a charmer, it’s hard not to love her 😀 She recently got some new BOXES and has been doing some really… “interesting”… zoomies around the living room!!

  4. Fearless Feta! Eleventy Billion Dollars is nowhere near enough. Your momma can spend Eleventy Eleventees to the Eleventeeth so just remember that the next time you decide you need some extra special attention! And if you can get out of PT ( which stands for, in CatSpeak, Phu&@:);( That), all the better because FETA DOES WHAT FETA WANTS! That is the number one rule for keeping THE EARTH ON ITS AXIS!!! And, all of this is coming from Angel Heffalump’s mom who wants you to know that even though Heffalump was one of the Enemies ( aka A Dog!!!), he was a TwoPawd! And did extremely well and was extremely happy…so Feta, go see that neurologist but also know that you are PURRFECT wherever you go and whichever direction you decide to amble down! Many hugs and PyrPaws all around!

    1. Thanks, friends! Feta absolutely agrees! She keeps telling me she’ll be happy as long as she gets lots of food and some catnip, so I should stop making such a fuss! Animals, amirite? 😀

  5. This makes me sad for you but it’s obvious you are working hard to find the answer. I remember one video, after the PT, where it looked like she had more flexibility in the knee. I was feeling hopeful for her. I’ll keep the faith that you’ll find some answers.
    Kerren and Tripawd Kitty Mona

    1. Thank you! She definitely is getting more flexibility, I’m just not sure if she can move the joint herself or not. Going to keep working on it until we’re told otherwise, though – at this point it can’t hurt! Thanks for rooting for us!

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